글로벌 연구동향
- 2023년 07월호
[Int Wound J .] Early outcomes of complete excision followed by immediate postoperative single fractional 10 Gy for anterior chest keloids: A preliminary results
한림의대 / 하보람, 박태환*
- 출처
- Int Wound J .
- 등재일
- 2023 May
- 저널이슈번호
- 20(5):1418-1425. doi: 10.1111/iwj.13996. Epub 2022 Nov 2.
- 내용
Treatment of chest keloids is challenging. The aim of this study is to present our experience using surgical excision followed by postoperative single fractional 10 Gy radiotherapy for recurrent anterior chest keloids on the same day. 16 patients with recurrent anterior chest keloids were treated with complete excision followed by single-fractional 10 Gy radiotherapy within eight hours postoperatively. The mean follow-up period was 12 months. (10-14 months) The outcome was reported with a recurrence-free rate. We also reported side effects. The overall recurrence-free rate was 81.25%. The side effects were minimal, with two reported hyperpigmentation which was subsided after six months, and two cases of acute wound problems. Second malignancy or serious complications were not reported. Our preliminary results show positive outcomes of complete excision followed by postoperative single fractional 10 Gy radiotherapy for recurrent anterior chest keloids on the same day. Our current study needs further long-term validation with more diverse patients.Affiliations
Boram Ha 1, Sung Jae Kim 2, Yu Jun Lee 3, Seongcheol Im 3, Tae Hwan Park 3
1Department of Radiation Oncology, Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Hwaseong, Republic of Korea.
2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Dongtan Sacred Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Hwaseong, Republic of Korea.
3Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Hwaseong, Republic of Korea.
- 키워드
- chest keloid; fibroblast; hypertrophic scar; perforator flap; radiation therapy.
- 연구소개
- 난치성 질환으로 생각되는 전흉부 켈로이드를 수술적 치료와 10Gy 단일조사 전자선으로 치료한, 1년 이상 경과 관찰한, 16명의 연속된 환자를 대상으로 시행한 연구입니다. 2021년 5월부터 2023년 6월 현재 약 500여 켈로이드 환자분께 수술 및 방사선 치료를 시행하였으며, 본 연구에서 소개한 10Gy 치료법에서 방사선 치료 프로토콜을 다변화시켜, 현재는 환자 및 켈로이드 특성에 따라 9.5Gy~11Gy를 수술 24시간 이내 단일 조사, 16Gy를 수술 당일, 수술 하루째 2번 분할조사하는 방법을 적용하고 있습니다.
- 덧글달기
keloid의 재발을 방지하기 위한 수술후 방사선치료의 효용성에 대한 예비결과를 발표한 연구로, 16명의 환자 모두 구체적인 임상 정보를 제시함으로써 실제 임상 적용에 참고가 될 만한 자료임.
덧글달기닫기2023-07-04 14:53:35