글로벌 연구동향
- 2024년 04월호[Radiother Oncol .] Outcomes following hypofractionated radiation therapy alone for surgically unfit early esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients; a retrospective single center analysis
성균관의대 / 김강표, 오동렬*, 안용찬*2024 Jan:190:109982.댓글: 1조회수: 315
- 2024년 04월호[Gynecol Oncol .] Choosing the right adjuvant therapy for stage III-IVA endometrial cancer: A comparative analysis of chemoradiotherapy and chemotherapy
연세의대, 가천의대 / 김현주, 이준교, 김용배*, 김영생*2024 Jan 20:182:39-44.댓글: 1조회수: 392
- 2024년 04월호[PLoS One .] Assessment of lymph node area coverage with total marrow irradiation and implementation of total marrow and lymphoid irradiation using automated deep learning-based segmentation
서울의대 / 최현석, 장범섭*, 장지현*2024 Mar 8댓글: 0조회수: 353
- 2024년 03월호[Sci Rep .] Tailored radiation dose according to margin width for patients with ductal carcinoma in situ after breast-conserving surgery
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- 2024년 03월호[Anticancer Res .] Role of Radical Surgery Following Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy in Octogenarians With Rectal Cancer: A SEER Analysis
경희의대 / 임유진*2024 Jan댓글: 0조회수: 330
- 2024년 03월호[Yonsei Med J .] High Radiation Dose to the Fornix Causes Symptomatic Radiation Necrosis in Patients with Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma
연세의대 / 김태형, 장종희*, 윤홍인*2024 Jan댓글: 1조회수: 346
- 2024년 03월호[Gut Liver .] Chemoembolization versus Radiotherapy for Single Hepatocellular Carcinomas of ≤3 cm Unsuitable for Image-Guided Tumor Ablation
울산의대 / 임지혜, 김의창, 심주현*2024 Jan 15댓글: 1조회수: 315
- 2024년 03월호[Breast Cancer Res Treat .] Quantitative assessment of breast volume changes after whole-breast irradiation for breast cancer using breast auto-segmentation
성균관의대 / 이태훈, 안상희, 김해영*2024 Jan댓글: 1조회수: 388
- 2024년 03월호[Sci Rep .] Comparing deep learning and handcrafted radiomics to predict chemoradiotherapy response for locally advanced cervical cancer using pretreatment MRI
경북의대 / 정성문, 유호상, 박신형*2024 Jan 12댓글: 1조회수: 305
- 2024년 03월호[Cancer Res Treat .] Risk Factors for Distant Metastasis in Extrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer after Curative Resection (KROG 1814)
이화의대 / 박영희, 김태현, 김규보*2024 Jan댓글: 0조회수: 313