글로벌 연구동향
- 2024년 06월호[Sci Rep .] Androgen deprivation alone versus combined with pelvic radiation for adverse events and quality of life in clinically node-positive prostate cancer
성균관의대 / 이태훈, 박원*2024 Apr 8댓글: 1조회수: 285
- 2024년 06월호[J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol .] Hypofractionated radiation therapy combined with androgen deprivation therapy for high-risk localized prostate cancer
성균관의대 / 이태훈, 박원*2024 Apr댓글: 2조회수: 287
- 2024년 06월호[Cancer Res Treat .] Implication of Pre- and Post-radiotherapy ctDNA Dynamics in Patients with Residual Triple-Negative Breast Cancer at Surgery after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Findings from a Prospective Observational Study
성균관의대 / 이태훈, 김해영*2024 Apr댓글: 1조회수: 300
- 2024년 06월호[Cancer Res Treat .] Intrathoracic Progression Is Still the Most Dominant Failure Pattern after First-Line Chemo-immunotherapy in Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Implications for Thoracic Radiotherapy
서울특별시보라매병원 / 김도욱, 김병혁*, 2024 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 276
- 2024년 06월호[Cancer Res Treat .] Assessment of Eligibility and Utilization of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation in Korean Breast Cancer Patients (KROG 22-15)
서울의대 / 전석주, 조지환, 김규보*, 신경환*2024 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 321
- 2024년 06월호[Cancer Res Treat .] Assessment of Bone Marrow Involvement in Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma: Positron Emission Tomography versus Bone Marrow Biopsy, and the Significance of Minimal Involvement by EBV+ Cells (KROG 18-09)
성균관의대, 분당서울대병원 / 이태훈, 오동렬*, 엄근용*2024 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 266
- 2024년 06월호[Cancer Res Treat .] Radiation Oncologists' Perspectives on Oligometastatic Disease: A Korean Survey Study
서울의대, 성균관의대 / 임채홍, 조원경, 지의규*, 안용찬*2024 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 250
- 2024년 06월호[J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol .] Thirty-day mortality after palliative radiotherapy in advanced cancer patients: Optimizing end-of-life care in Asia
연세원주의대 / 김미선*2024 Apr댓글: 1조회수: 246
- 2024년 06월호[J Breast Cancer .] Five-Fraction High-Conformal Ultrahypofractionated Radiotherapy for Primary Tumors in Metastatic Breast Cancer
연세의대 / 이정심, 장지석*2024 Apr댓글: 1조회수: 258
- 2024년 06월호[J Breast Cancer .] Hypofractionated Partial Breast Irradiation With Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy in Early Breast Cancer or Carcinoma In Situ: An Investigational Short-Term Analysis
가톨릭의대 / 강남규, 성수윤, 이종훈*2024 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 243