글로벌 연구동향
- 2017년 06월호[Int J Clin Oncol.] Change in carbohydrate antigen 19-9 level as a prognostic marker of overall survival in locally advanced pancreatic cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy.
서울의대, 이화의대/ 김이준, 고현강, 지의규*, 김규보* 2017 May 5댓글: 0조회수: 1187
- 2017년 05월호[Oncotarget.] Radiation improves antitumor effect of immune checkpoint inhibitor in murine hepatocellular carcinoma model.
연세의대/ 김경진, 성진실* 2017 Apr 17댓글: 0조회수: 1244
- 2017년 05월호[Oncol Lett.] CHK2 is involved in the p53-independent radiosensitizing effects of valproic acid.
국립암센터/ 추동완, 고성호, 조영우, 김상수*2017 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 1375
- 2017년 05월호[Oncol Lett.] Accumulation of low-dose BIX01294 promotes metastatic potential of U251 glioblastoma cells.
DIRAMS/ 김민영, 허규*, 박성준* 2017 Mar댓글: 0조회수: 1408
- 2017년 05월호[J Ginseng Res.] Panax ginseng Meyer prevents radiation-induced liver injury via modulation of oxidative stress and apoptosis.
대전대/ 김형극, 손창규*2017 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 1304
- 2017년 04월호[Oncogene.] TFAP2C promotes lung tumorigenesis and aggressiveness through miR-183- and miR-33a-mediated cell cycle regulation.
부산대/강지훈, 김완연, 윤부현* 2017 Mar댓글: 0조회수: 1337
- 2017년 04월호[Antioxid Redox Signal.] Mechanism of the Antitumor and Radiosensitizing Effects of a Manganese Porphyrin, MnHex-2-PyP.
성균관의대/ 신성원, 최창훈, 박원*2017 Mar 30.댓글: 0조회수: 1324
- 2017년 04월호[Neuro Oncol. ] Repositioning disulfiram as a radiosensitizer against atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor.
서울의대/ 이영은, 김승기*2017 Mar 17.댓글: 1조회수: 1341
- 2017년 04월호[Biomed Res Int.] Pentoxifylline Regulates Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Expression and Protein Kinase A Phosphorylation in Radiation-Induced Lung Fibrosis.
KIRAMS/ 이종걸, 박선후*2017댓글: 0조회수: 1197
- 2017년 04월호[Cell Death Dis.] Radiation-inducible miR-770-5p sensitizes tumors to radiation through direct targeting of PDZ-binding kinase.
인하대/ 이형철, 이재선*2017 Mar 23댓글: 0조회수: 1182