(구)글로벌 핫이슈
- 2018년 11월호[Br J Radiol.] Role and future of MRI in radiation oncology.
NYU Langone Medical Center / Indra J Das*2018 Nov 댓글: 1조회수: 1287
- 2018년 09월호[Med Phys.] Machine learning and modeling: Data, validation, communication challenges.
University of Michigan / Issam El Naqa*2018 Aug 24.댓글: 0조회수: 1251
- 2018년 09월호[Med Phys.] NCTN clinical trial standardization for radiotherapy through IROC and CIRO.
University of Pennsylvania / Wei Zou*2018 Aug 27.댓글: 0조회수: 1266
- 2018년 07월호[Med Phys.] Treatment planning based on lung functional avoidance is not ready for clinical deployment
University of MarylandBaltimore / Amit Sawant*. Tokihiro Yamamoto*2018 June 댓글: 0조회수: 1300
- 2018년 06월호[Med Phys.] Image guidance doses delivered during radiotherapy: Quantification, management, and reduction: Report of the AAPM Therapy Physics Committee Task Group 180
Vanderbilt University School of MedicineNashville / George X. Ding*2018 May댓글: 1조회수: 1365
- 2018년 06월호[Med Phys.] Artificial intelligence will soon change the landscape of medical physics research and practice.
Stanford University, Emory University / Lei Xing*, Elizabeth A. Krupinski*2018 May댓글: 0조회수: 1331
- 2018년 05월호[Med Phys.] In order to function more fully as professionals and provide professional services, medical physicists should actively seek to be employed by physician groups rather than by facilities.
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center / David W. Jordan Ph.D. *, Daniel C. Pavord*2018 Apr댓글: 0조회수: 1297
- 2018년 05월호[Phys Med Biol.] 'Survival': a simulation toolkit introducing a modular approach for radiobiological evaluations in ion beam therapy.
Università degli studi di Torino (UniTO) / Manganaro L*2018 Apr 5댓글: 0조회수: 1322
- 2018년 04월호[Med Phys.] Radiomics in lung cancer: Its time is here.
Massachusetts General Hospital / Kalra M*2018 Mar댓글: 0조회수: 1352
- 2018년 03월호[Med Phys.] Assessment of image quality and scatter and leakage radiation of an integrated MR-LINAC system.
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center / Wang J*2018 Mar댓글: 0조회수: 1371