
  • [Phys Med Biol.] Towards time-of-flight PET with a semiconductor detector.

    University of California Davis / Arino-Estrada G

  • 출처
    Phys Med Biol.
  • 등재일
    2018 Feb 16
  • 저널이슈번호
    63(4):04LT01. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aaaa4e.
  • 내용

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    The feasibility of using Cerenkov light, generated by energetic electrons following 511 keV photon interactions in the semiconductor TlBr, to obtain fast timing information for positron emission tomography (PET) was evaluated. Due to its high refractive index, TlBr is a relatively good Cerenkov radiator and with its wide bandgap, has good optical transparency across most of the visible spectrum. Coupling an SiPM photodetector to a slab of TlBr (TlBr-SiPM) yielded a coincidence timing resolution of 620 ps FWHM between the TlBr-SiPM detector and a LFS reference detector. This value improved to 430 ps FWHM by applying a high pulse amplitude cut based on the TlBr-SiPM and reference detector signal amplitudes. These results are the best ever achieved with a semiconductor PET detector and already approach the performance required for time-of-flight. As TlBr has higher stopping power and better energy resolution than the conventional scintillation detectors currently used in PET scanners, a hybrid TlBr-SiPM detector with fast timing capability becomes an interesting option for further development.


    Author information

    Ariño-Estrada G1, Mitchell GS, Kwon SI, Du J, Kim H, Cirignano LJ, Shah KS, Cherry SR.
    Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, United States of America. Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.

  • 편집위원

    PET에 주로 사용되는 Scintillation 기반 검출기 대신 반도체 기반 검출기-증폭기(TlBr-SiPM)를 사용하였다는 점이 관심을 끌었습니다. 추후에 PET용 검출기의 주요 검출기로 사용이 가능 할지 아직은 모르지만 흥미로운 연구인 것 같습니다.

    2018-03-15 15:50:29

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