방사선방호 및 안전

  • [Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry] Targeted separation of radionuclides from contaminated concrete waste generated from decommissioning of nuclear power plants원전해체시 발생하는 방사성오염 콘크리트 폐기물의 표적핵종 분리 연구

    KAERI / 손우정, 김광욱*

  • 출처
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
  • 등재일
  • 저널이슈번호
    329, pages1417–1426
  • 내용

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    A chemical treatment process for removal of radionuclides associated with concrete from the decommissioning of nuclear power plants was adopted using a simple and effective precipitation method. Major radionuclides Co-60 and Eu-152 present in the concrete were confirmed to be selectively removed from the dissolved-concrete liquor as precipitates by pH-adjustment to pH 9. It was evaluated that HFO and HAO played important roles in the co-precipitation of Eu and Co, respectively. Nuclide decontamination factors were at least 6666 for Co-60 and 10,000 for Eu-152, respectively, and high enough to meet the requirement for release of decontaminated radioactive wastewaters in Korea.



    Woo-Jung Shon, Richard I. Foster, Maengkyo Oh, Keunyoung Lee & Kwang-Wook Kim 

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