분자영상 및 방사화학

  • [J Mater Chem B.] Novel quinoline-based fluorescent bioimaging probe, KSNP117, for sentinel lymph node mapping

    KIST, DGMIF / Ahmed A Elbatrawy, 남길수*, 전용현*

  • 출처
    J Mater Chem B.
  • 등재일
    2021 Jun 23
  • 저널이슈번호
    9(24):4857-4862. doi: 10.1039/d1tb00568e.
  • 내용

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    Fluorescent imaging agents with biocompatibility and high sensitivity are urgently required for the accurate detection of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs). Herein, we report the design of a novel quinoline-based fluorescent probe, designated KSNP117, which can be applied as a biomedical imaging agent in the sensitive and quantitative detection of SLNs. KSNP117 exerted no adverse effects on the proliferation of ovary and immune cells and also showed excellent serum stability with photo-brightening effects. In vivo fluorescent imaging revealed the accumulation of KSNP117 in the SLNs of nude mice within 10 min post injection, without in vivo toxicity, which was consistent with the findings of ex vivo imaging. These results support the potential of KSNP117 as a promising lymphatic tracer for biomedical imaging applications.




    Ahmed A Elbatrawy  1 , Da Sol Lee, Sang Bong Lee, Hui-Jeon Jeon, Sijoon Lee, Kyung-Ku Kang, Soo-Eun Sung, Ye Ri Han, Sung Jin Cho, Dong-Su Kim, Kil Soo Kim, Ghilsoo Nam, Yong Hyun Jeon
    1 Center for Neuro-Medicine Brain Science Institute, Korea Institutes of Science and Technology Seoul, 02792, South Korea. gsnam@kist.re.kr.

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