
  • 2022년 02월호
    [IEEE Trans Med Imaging.] Deep Neural Network With Consistency Regularization of Multi-Output Channels for Improved Tumor Detection and Delineation

    Stanford University / 이현석, Lei Xing*

  • 출처
    IEEE Trans Med Imaging.
  • 등재일
    2021 Dec
  • 저널이슈번호
    40(12):3369-3378. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2021.3084748.
  • 내용

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    Deep learning is becoming an indispensable tool for imaging applications, such as image segmentation, classification, and detection. In this work, we reformulate a standard deep learning problem into a new neural network architecture with multi-output channels, which reflects different facets of the objective, and apply the deep neural network to improve the performance of image segmentation. By adding one or more interrelated auxiliary-output channels, we impose an effective consistency regularization for the main task of pixelated classification (i.e., image segmentation). Specifically, multi-output-channel consistency regularization is realized by residual learning via additive paths that connect main-output channel and auxiliary-output channels in the network. The method is evaluated on the detection and delineation of lung and liver tumors with public data. The results clearly show that multi-output-channel consistency implemented by residual learning improves the standard deep neural network. The proposed framework is quite broad and should find widespread applications in various deep learning problems.

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