
  • [Neurology.] Variability of FP-CIT PET Patterns Associated With Clinical Features of Multiple System Atrophy

    2021년 05월호
    [Neurology.] Variability of FP-CIT PET Patterns Associated With Clinical Features of Multiple System Atrophy 다계통위축증 임상양상에 따른 도파민수용체 PET소견

    서울대병원 / 이리리, 신정환, 최홍윤*, 김한준*

  • 출처
  • 등재일
    2021 Mar 23
  • 저널이슈번호
  • 내용

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    Objective: To validate the role of the dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging as a biomarker in multiple system atrophy (MSA), we analyzed the association between spatial patterns of [18F]fluoro-propyl-carbomethoxy-iodophenyl-tropane ([18F]FP-CIT) PET and the clinical characteristics of MSA.

    Methods: Sixty-five patients with MSA who underwent [18F]FP-CIT PET between 2009 and 2018 were retrospectively enrolled. To identify spatial patterns of [18F]FP-CIT PET, principal component (PC) analysis was used and correlated with the clinical presentation.

    Results: Of the 65 patients, 42 presented with parkinsonian subtype of MSA, and 23 presented with cerebellar subtype of MSA (mean age 63.7 ± 9.3 years; disease duration, 1.8 ± 1.8 years). Each PC represents a specific pattern of degeneration: PC1 and PC2 were associated with the DAT binding of the entire putamen and the posterior putamen, respectively. PC3 was associated with increased [18F]FP-CIT uptake of the caudate and decreased uptake of the dorsal pons. PC2 was significantly correlated with the presence of parkinsonism (p = 5.34 × 10-5) and a positive levodopa response (p = 0.044), with age as a cofactor. PC3 was correlated with the presence of urinary incontinence (p = 0.036). Onset age was significantly correlated with both PC2 (R = 0.48, p = 5.0 × 10-5) and PC3 (R = -0.39, p = 0.0013).

    Conclusions: The spatial pattern of DAT binding can reflect distinct clinical features of MSA and provides insight into the underlying pathophysiology of a broad spectrum of clinical features in MSA.


    FP-CIT PET의 저하 패턴과 (좌) 임상상과의 연관성 (우)



    Reeree Lee  1 , Jung Hwan Shin  1 , Hongyoon Choi  2 , Han-Joon Kim  2 , Gi Jeong Cheon  1 , Beomseok Jeon  1
    1 From the Department of Nuclear Medicine (R.R.), Chung-Ang University Hospital, and Departments of Neurology (J.H.S., H.-J.K., B.J.), and Nuclear Medicine (H.C., G.J.C.), Seoul National University Hospital, Korea.
    2 From the Department of Nuclear Medicine (R.R.), Chung-Ang University Hospital, and Departments of Neurology (J.H.S., H.-J.K., B.J.), and Nuclear Medicine (H.C., G.J.C.), Seoul National University Hospital, Korea. chy1000@snu.ac.kr movement@snu.ac.kr.

  • 연구소개
    다계통위축증 (multiple system atrophy, MSA)는 다양한 임상상을 발현하는 특징이 있으며, 파킨슨증을 동반하는 경우가 많아 감별진단을 위해 FP-CIT PET을 촬영을 하게 됩니다. 본 연구에서는 FP-CIT PET영상을 데이터기반으로 Dopamine Transporter의 저하 패턴을 분석하였습니다. Principal component analysis를 통한 저하 패턴에 따라 MSA의 임상상이 연관이 되는 사실을 파악할 수 있었습니다.
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