(구)글로벌 핫이슈
분자영상 및 방사화학
- 2019년 02월호[J Nucl Med.] 미분화갑상선암의 방사선요오드치료 불응을 극복할 수 있는 새로운 clue를 제공
MEK inhibition induces therapeutic iodine uptake in a murine model of anaplastic thyroid cancer.University of Bern / ElMokh O*2018 Nov 21. pii: jnumed.118.216721. doi: 10.2967/댓글: 0조회수: 1499
- 2019년 01월호[Nat Biotechnol.] 허피스바이러스의 종양세포 억제효과 연구
An oncolytic herpesvirus expressing E-cadherin improves survival in mouse models of glioblastoma.The Ohio State University / Xu B*2018 Nov 26. doi: 10.1038/nbt.4302. [Epub ahead of댓글: 1조회수: 1490
- 2019년 01월호[Nat Biotechnol.] 리포터분석법 이용 염색질 구조 영향 분석
A massively parallel reporter assay dissects the influence of chromatin structure on cis-regulatory activity.Washington University School of Medicine / Maricque BB*2018 Nov 19. doi: 10.1038/nbt.4285. [Epub ahead of댓글: 1조회수: 1482
- 2018년 12월호[Cancer Res.] Assessment of tumor redox status through (S)-4-(3-[18F]fluoropropyl)-L-glutamic acid positron emission tomography imaging of system xc- activity.
King's College London / Witney TH*2018 Nov 6. pii: canres.2634.2018. doi: 10.1158/00댓글: 0조회수: 1461
- 2018년 12월호[ACS Nano.] Tumor Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicle-Coated Nanocarriers: An Efficient Theranostic Platform for the Cancer-Specific Delivery of Anti-miR-21 and Imaging Agents.
Stanford University / Jc Bose R*2018 Nov 27댓글: 0조회수: 1444
- 2018년 10월호[Sci Rep.] New transgenic NIS reporter rats for longitudinal tracking of fibrogenesis by high-resolution imaging.
Mayo Clinic / Peng KW*2018 Sep 21댓글: 1조회수: 1577
- 2018년 09월호[Nature.] A homing system targets therapeutic T cells to brain cancer.
Baylor College of Medicin / Heba Samaha, Nabil Ahmed*2018 Sep 5. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0499-y. [Epub 댓글: 0조회수: 1567
- 2018년 08월호[J Med Chem.] Molecular Imaging of Sirtuin1 Expression-Activity in Rat Brain Using Positron-Emission Tomography-Magnetic-Resonance Imaging with [18F]-2-Fluorobenzoylaminohexanoicanilide.
Karmanos Cancer Institute / Bonomi R*2018 Aug 23댓글: 1조회수: 1648
- 2017년 04월호[J Nucl Med] 18F-tetrafluoroborate (18F-TFB), a PET probe for imaging sodium-iodide symporter expression: Whole-body biodistribution, safety and radiation dosimetry in thyroid cancer patients.
King's College London/Jim O' Doherty* 2017 Apr 6댓글: 0조회수: 1862
- 2017년 03월호[Cancer Res.] Threshold Analysis and Biodistribution of Fluorescently Labeled Bevacizumab in Human Breast Cancer.
Technical University of Munich / Vasilis Ntziachristos* 2017 Feb 1댓글: 0조회수: 1861