글로벌 연구동향
- 2016년 02월호[PLoS One] Radiation Inhibits Interleukin-12 Production via Inhibition of C-Rel through the Interleukin-6/ Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 Signaling Pathway in Dendritic Cells.
연세의대 / 이은정,성진실*2016 Jan 8댓글: 0조회수: 1620
- 2016년 01월호[Radiat Oncol] Definitive radiotherapy alone over 60 Gy for patients unfit for combined treatment to stage II-III non-small cell lung cancer: retrospective analysis
울산의대 / 주지현, 김수산, 정유리, 정성윤, 최원식, 송시열*, 최은경*2015 Dec 3댓글: 0조회수: 1676
- 2015년 12월호[Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys] Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy Followed by Consolidation Chemotherapy for Localized Extranodal Natural Killer/T-Cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type.
성균관의대 / 안용찬*2015 Nov 1댓글: 0조회수: 1728
- 2015년 12월호[J Neurooncol] Nomogram prediction of survival in patients with brain metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma treated with whole-brain radiotherapy: a multicenter retrospective study.
서울의대 / 김규보*2015 Nov댓글: 0조회수: 1617
- 2015년 12월호[Radiother Oncol] Effects of adjuvant radiotherapy on completely resected gastric cancer: A radiation oncologist's view of the ARTIST randomized phase III trial.
성균관의대 /유정일, 임도훈* 2015 Oct댓글: 0조회수: 1872
- 2015년 11월호[Clin Breast Cancer] Differences in Prognostic Factors and Failure Patterns Between Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma and Carcinoma With Micropapillary Component Versus Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of th
성균관의대 / 최두호*2015 Oct댓글: 0조회수: 1889
- 2015년 11월호[Radiother Oncol] High ratio of programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)(+)/CD8(+) tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes identifies a poor prognostic subset of extrahepatic bile duct cancer undergoing surgery
서울의대 / 김규보*2015 Oct댓글: 0조회수: 1895
- 2015년 10월호Indirect Tumor Cell Death After High-Dose Hypofractionated Irradiation: Implications for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy and Stereotactic Radiation Surgery.
미네소타의대 / 송창원* 2015 Sep 1댓글: 0조회수: 1794
- 2015년 10월호A multicenter analysis of adjuvant therapy after surgery for stage IIIC endometrial adenocarcinoma: A Korean Radiation Oncology Group study (KROG 13-17).
성균관의대 / 박원*2015 Sep댓글: 0조회수: 1488
- 2015년 09월호Does internal mammary node irradiation affect treatment outcome in clinical stage II-III breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuv ant chemotherapy?
연세의대/ 김경환, 서창옥*2015 Aug댓글: 0조회수: 2011