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  • [분자영상 및 방사화학 분야] KIRAMS 자히르 자베리아 연구원, 김진수 박사님

    [분자영상 및 방사화학 분야] KIRAMS 자히르 자베리아 연구원, 김진수 박사님

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자히르 자베리아  한국원자력의학원

김 진 수  한국원자력의학원



Scientific Report



Correlation of ACE2 with RAS components after Losartan treatment in light of COVID-19


연구과제 수행 중 생긴 에피소드

It was difficult to generate something new. We went through multiple attempts to reach till solution. Because, Losartan interrupts renein-angiotensinogen system by blocking AGT1R receptor. We wanted to use larger sample size to extrapolate the study since this study use data base so collection of data was challenging. We wanted to conclude the involvement of AT2R via ACE2/AT2R axis to increase ACE2. However the sample size and statistics changed it to ACE2/MAS1 axis.


연구과제 수행 중 보람되었던 일

Interpreting the data points to something meaningful is exciting and challenging at the same time. I am happy that this study has provided an opportunity to add a piece of my analytics to this pandemic. It will be a privilege and blessing for me if my findings could be used in serving society.


이 분야로 진학하려는 후배들을 위한 조언

Renin-Angiotensinogen system is integrated and complex system that interlink with other system like Kallikrein kinin and coagulation system. So many key components have not yet been studied well. I will encourage fellow researcher to dig down the complex integrate systems to find key connections that could highlight the importance of its involvement in COVID-19 patients


연구활동 관련 계획

As several possible events that are observed in the SARS-CoV-2 infection and the disease evolution are overlapped with the physiological events of the activated interplay between three system. We will work for the data visualization for the said system.



We will encourage researchers working in environment of BSL 3 to investigate the losartan effect on COVID-19 patients.

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