방사선방호 및 안전

  • [Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry] A comparison of determination methods for uranium radioactivity in environmental soil samples using a gamma spectrometer감마분광분석시스템을 이용한 환경중 토양시료의 우라늄 방사능농도 측정방법 비교연구

    경북대 / 맹성진, 이상훈*

  • 출처
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
  • 등재일
  • 저널이슈번호
    331, pages2929–2938
  • 내용

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    Comparisons of statistical analysis results between five methods using gamma spectrometry and a control group for measuring the radioactivity of uranium were performed to suggest the optimal method. In the statistical tests including linear regression, and Pearson’s correlation all gamma spectrometry methods correlated with the control group method though they had each disadvantage. The Student’s t-test results for a novel method 5 including a 230Th contribution, were 0.986 (235U) and 1.821 (238U), respectively. It had the advantage of being more accurate when evaluating the activity of 235U and 238U simultaneously. The novel method 5 can thus be recommended over others.


     Seongjin Maeng, HaeYoung Lee, Seong Jin Park & Sang Hoon Lee 

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