방사선방호 및 안전

  • [Appl Radiat Isot.] Development of an effective dose coefficient database using a computational human phantom and Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate exposure dose for the usage of NORM-added consumer products.

    연세대/ 유도현, 민철희*

  • 출처
    Appl Radiat Isot.
  • 등재일
    2017 Aug 9
  • 저널이슈번호
    129:42-48. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.07.064. [Epub ahead of print]
  • 내용

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    After the Fukushima accident in Japan, the Korean Government implemented the "Act on Protective Action Guidelines Against Radiation in the Natural Environment" to regulate unnecessary radiation exposure to the public. However, despite the law which came into effect in July 2012, an appropriate method to evaluate the equivalent and effective doses from naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) in consumer products is not available. The aim of the present study is to develop and validate an effective dose coefficient database enabling the simple and correct evaluation of the effective dose due to the usage of NORM-added consumer products. To construct the database, we used a skin source method with a computational human phantom and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. For the validation, the effective dose was compared between the database using interpolation method and the original MC method. Our result showed a similar equivalent dose across the 26 organs and a corresponding average dose between the database and the MC calculations of < 5% difference. The differences in the effective doses were even less, and the result generally show that equivalent and effective doses can be quickly calculated with the database with sufficient accuracy.


    Author information

    Yoo DH1, Shin WG1, Lee J2, Yeom YS3, Kim CH3, Chang BU2, Min CH4.

    1Department of Radiation Convergence Engineering and Research Institute of Health Science, Yonsei University, Wonju, Republic of Korea.2Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon, Republic of Korea.3Department of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.4Department of Radiation Convergence Engineering and Research Institute of Health Science, Yonsei University, Wonju, Republic of Korea. Electronic address: chmin@yonsei.ac.kr. 

  • 키워드
    Computational human phantom; Consumer products; Database; Effective dose; Equivalent dose; Monte Carlo simulation; NORM
  • 편집위원

    본 논문은 Applied radiation and isotopes에 개제된 논문으로 가공제품 사용으로 인한 피폭선량 평가를 위한 데이터베이스 구축에 관한 논문임.
    본 논문은 피부 점 선원 기반의 새로운 선량평가 방법을 제안하였고 점 선원 기반의 선량평가 방법을 통해 장기별 등가선량 데이터베이스를 구축 하였다.
    최종적으로 본 연구를 통해 구축된 데이터베이스를 사용하면 추가적인 몬테칼로 전산모사 없이 가공제품 사용으로 인한 피폭선량을 평가할 수 있음.

    2017-09-19 14:40:49

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