
  • [Sci Rep.] HSP27 inhibitor attenuates radiation-induced pulmonary inflammation.

    연세대, 이화여대, 차의대 /김지윤, 조재호*, 이윤실*, 나용화*

  • 출처
    Sci Rep.
  • 등재일
    2018 Mar 8
  • 저널이슈번호
    8(1):4189. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22635-9.
  • 내용

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    Radiation therapy has been used to treat over 70% of thoracic cancer; however, the method usually causes radiation pneumonitis. In the current study, we investigated the radioprotective effects of HSP27 inhibitor (J2) on radiation-induced lung inflammation in comparison to amifostine. In gross and histological findings, J2 treatment significantly inhibited immune cell infiltration in lung tissue, revealing anti-inflammatory potential of J2. Normal lung volume, evaluated by micro-CT analysis, in J2-treated mice was higher compared to that in irradiated mice. J2-treated mice reversed radiation-induced respiratory distress. However, amifostine did not show significant radioprotective effects in comparison to that of J2. In HSP27 transgenic mice, we observed increased immune cells recruitment and decreased volume of normal lung compared to wild type mice. Increased ROS production and oxidative stress after IR were down-regulated by J2 treatment, demonstrating antioxidant property of J2. The entire data of this study collectively showed that J2 may be an effective therapeutic agent for radiation-induced lung injury.



    Author information

    Kim JY1, An YM1, Yoo BR1, Kim JM1, Han SY1, Na Y2, Lee YS3, Cho J4.
    Department of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
    College of Pharmacy, CHA University, Pocheon, 487-010, Republic of Korea. yna7315@cha.ac.kr.
    College of Pharmacy and Division of Life and Pharmaceutical Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. yslee0425@ewha.ac.kr.
    Department of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea. jjhmd@yuhs.ac.

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