
  • [IEEE Trans Med Imaging.] SPHARM-Net: Spherical Harmonics-Based Convolution for Cortical Parcellation

    UNIST / 하승보, 류일우*

  • 출처
    IEEE Trans Med Imaging.
  • 등재일
    2022 Oct
  • 저널이슈번호
    41(10):2739-2751. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2022.3168670.
  • 내용

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    We present a spherical harmonics-based convolutional neural network (CNN) for cortical parcellation, which we call SPHARM-Net. Recent advances in CNNs offer cortical parcellation on a fine-grained triangle mesh of the cortex. Yet, most CNNs designed for cortical parcellation employ spatial convolution that depends on extensive data augmentation and allows only predefined neighborhoods of specific spherical tessellation. On the other hand, a rotation-equivariant convolutional filter avoids data augmentation, and rotational equivariance can be achieved in spectral convolution independent of a neighborhood definition. Nevertheless, the limited resources of a modern machine enable only a finite set of spectral components that might lose geometric details. In this paper, we propose (1) a constrained spherical convolutional filter that supports an infinite set of spectral components and (2) an end-to-end framework without data augmentation. The proposed filter encodes all the spectral components without the full expansion of spherical harmonics. We show that rotational equivariance drastically reduces the training time while achieving accurate cortical parcellation. Furthermore, the proposed convolution is fully composed of matrix transformations, which offers efficient and fast spectral processing. In the experiments, we validate SPHARM-Net on two public datasets with manual labels: Mindboggle-101 (N=101) and NAMIC (N=39). The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both datasets even with fewer learnable parameters without rigid alignment and data augmentation. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Shape-Lab/SPHARM-Net.


    Seungbo Ha, Ilwoo Lyu

  • 편집위원

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    2022-12-06 15:23:49

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